In 1929, Coco Chanel designed her first Chanel handbag. She was tired of carrying her purse in her hands so she created a bag that had a strap on it so that she could put it over her shoulder. It wasn’t until 1955 that Chanel created a handbag for everyday women that was easy and convenient to wear.
During this time, Chanel’s design seemed revolutionary and innovative. Chanel’s first design was called the Iconic 2.55 bag. It featured a chain strap, a flap with a zippered compartment to put personal items in, and the Chanel 2.55 Mademoiselle Lock. Since then, Chanel bags have become iconic fashion pieces.
Owning a Chanel handbag is a girl’s dream. It is considered a symbol of elegance and luxury. Unfortunately, this symbol does not come cheap, nor is it recommended for those who do not have the wherewithal to accept being duked by resorting to one of the covetable options. ‘
The French fashion house releases new versions of each season of its famous classic making me even thirstier for my very own Chanel bag; I just will live on the streets and beg for food to afford it. (just kidding)
Chanel handbags 101
Through some extensive online research, I have put together a few important tips to better assist a fashionista looking to get her (or his) hands on one of Chanel’s luxurious handbags.
We searched for what you should expect to pay for your Chanel bag to how to spot a fake. I would consider this post as your pocket guide to buying a Chanel handbag.
Chanel medium or jumbo flap bags are basically a classic, sort of. They first hit the scene back in the 2000s and are still highly popular today. But, handbag experts are suggesting that the medium Chanel Boy Bag styles are likely more popular as of 2019.
When you are deciding to purchase a Chanel handbag, there are a few aspects that you should consider. One of the first things to think about is the type of bag that you want. There is a vast array of styles and materials to choose from.
The two types of leather that Chanel uses in their handbags are caviar and lambskin. Both of these leathers are made of high quality. If you want a Chanel bag that is made of durable leather, many fashion experts suggest a bag made with caviar leather.
This leather is made to withstand the test of time and environmental elements. It still, however, is recommended that you treat your Chanel handbag with tender love and care.
The Chanel Classic Handbag
A Chanel bag is considered an investment piece; it is not a cheap handbag. Chanel handbags prices range on average from around $3,000 to $9,000. There is a wide variety of themes, colors, and materials to choose from.
Not only are their materials of leather, but there is also tweed and calfskin. The classic handbag is Chanel’s most iconic handbag to date. It is considered the trademark style of Chanel’s handbag collection.
The fashion house has kept up with fashion’s ever-changing evolution by designing innovative styles and colors.
As you now know, handbags are an investment. Kind of like your house or your IRA. You have to protect your investment. To ensure your handbag investment continues to gain value over time, stick with the basics; you can never go wrong.
When choosing your Chanel bag, it would be wise to, according to the handbag experts of the world go with the classic black Chanel flap bag made in lambskin or caviar leather. Going back to my investment analogy, it appears Chanel raises their prices every so often which by default, the resell value of your handbag increases as well.
This is why it’s a great idea to say with the bags that will be around for a while because who knows, you could have bought this bag for $2,000, and in 10 years it worth $15,000. Sounds like a nice payday to me.
The Chanel brand has a handbag called Minaudière it is considered a collector’s piece, and you can only get the price upon request. If you are like me, I’m thinking HUGE money.
One of my favorites (not to be biased) is the classic flap bag, it has been traditionally recognized by the interlocking CCs as well as the interwoven leather-and-chain strap. The classic flat comes in three sizes and dozens of fabrications for all occasions.
The Gabrielle Collection
The Gabrielle is one of the newer handbags to be added to the classic Chanel bag list. It features a double strap that you can wear on your shoulder or crossbody at the same time, it is one of those handbags that are certain to capture the attention of others on the street.
Where Can I buy a Chanel handbag?
There are many different venues to purchase a Chanel bag. The first place would be an actual brick-and-mortar Chanel store. Globally, there are over 300 Chanel boutiques that sell clothing and accessories.
You can go into any one of these boutiques and take a closer look at the variety of styles, colors, and materials to choose from. Just remember, buying a Chanel bag is an investment.
Another option for buying Chanel bags is through their website. You will have access to all of the available styles that are also featured in boutique stores and some fresh out-the-house pieces.
The website displays every handbag with descriptions, dimensions, and material information. In some cases, a Chanel boutique may not have a certain handbag in stock, the website can be useful because they have a multitude of options to choose from.
You can also get some Chanel bags through other dealers. Although you could potentially get a great deal, I would only buy from reputable sellers. Things to consider in the danger zone are the no-returns policy.
There are people out there making fabulous fakes that include registration numbers, cards, and holograms, have a receipt, and are made from quality leather. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
If you can’t tell if it’s fake or not, reach out to an authentication service. They can go beyond just looking at the colors and attachments, so they can validate the series and handbag numbers to ensure you have an original Chanel bag.
We can’t predict where Chanel’s novelty handbags will go next, but the fashion world will be remembering them for a long time. I hope this helps someone out there looking to explore the world of Coco Chanel luxury handbags.