Everyone’s favorite handbags in on the rise again. As of May 2020, Chanel is expected to increase its prices on most of their signature collection in the European markets. Chanel US is expected to do the same, but the increase isn’t expected to be as great as the EU. This increase is happening in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Chanel told Reuters via email that “The price adjustments only regard’s Chanel’s Iconic handbags, 11.12 and 2.5, as well as Boy, Gabrielle, Chanel 19 bags and certain small leather goods. These adjustments are made while ensuring that we avoid excessive price differentials between countries, in line with our commitments regarding price harmonization.”
Chanel also stated that the price increase has nothing to do with COVID-19 and store closures, but it was part of their bi-annual strategy and pricing evaluation.
Chanel also stated that the prices in euros are expected to range between 5% and 17%. This increase started on May 25.
Below are some of the major styles increase view the entire Chanel price guide here.
U.S. Chanel Classic Bag Prices
STYLE | NEW | OLD | % Increase |
Chanel Classic Mini Square Flap Bag | $3,500 | $3,200 | 9.4% |
Chanel Classic Mini Rectangular Flap Bag | $3,800 | $3,500 | 8.6% |
Chanel Classic Small Flap Bag | $5,800 | $5,200 | 12% |
Chanel Classic Medium Flap Bag | $6,500 | $5,800 | 12% |
Chanel Classic Jumbo Flap Bag | $7,100 | $6,400 | 11% |
Chanel Classic Maxi Flap Bag | $7,700 | $6,900 | 12% |
U.S. Chanel Gabrielle Bag Price
Gabrielle Small | $4,100 | $3,900 | 5% |
Gabrielle Medium | $4,300 | $4,100 | 5% |