The Best 15 Designer Handbags Under $1,000

As today marks the start of the Summer 2020 season, we want to find bags to match. To have a sexy, sleek designer bag, in my opinion, should not be minimized with a price cap. Unfortunately, like me, spending more than $1,000 on a bag might force me to go on a strict diet, but it would be worth it, so I can show off my new Hermes or Chanel. Obviously, this makes no sense, nor is it practical unless you are uber-wealthy and money grows on trees in your backyard.

Luxury brand houses are well aware that there are other consumers out there who can afford to rock their bags; just on a smaller scale. This is why these bag designers need to release bags under $1,000. Designers release these amazing bags every season. Like everything in life, you simply have to know where to look to find the deals.

Finding designer bags under $1,000 price is usually somewhat of a challenge, but absolutely possible. Before we go any further, I would like to mention that, likely if you are looking for a bag at this price point, it will be wallets, minis, and basic totes styles. These bags tend to be on the lower end of the spectrum across many luxury brands.

Designer bag prices rise year over year, with most averaging in the $2,500 price range. Below we’ve compiled a list of ten designer bags for the fall season.

Bottega Veneta

Set of Two Leather Pouches


C belt Bag


Nano Baguette


Nylon Belt Bag


Amberley Leather Crossbody Bag

Salvatore Ferragamo

City Quilted Gancio Leather Tote


GG Marmont 2.0 Matelassé Leather Shoulder Bag


Camera Bag in Triomphe Canvas

Paco Rabanne

1969 Chainmail Shoulder Bag





Saint Laurent